Question by : How much vodka to drink to not get too drunk?
I have vodka and I want enough to make me feel it and loosen up not drunk, how much can I drink? I got orange juice too.
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Answer by Rider96
How much of it you can drink depends on your weight and tolerance to it. if you’re unsure, don’t rush into it. Hard liquor will send you to the hospital if you over do it. Seen it too many time.
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What do you think?
TexHabs says
If you are that concerned NO VODKA is your best answer, if underaged.
Kelly says
It changes depending on your weight, height, age, sex, how much you usually drink, etc. To get an accurate reading of how much you will drink to get drunk, visit this site:
Michael says
Four fingers in a half pint glass, then orange juice to taste.