Question by Jordon101: How much vodka do I need to get my husband passed out?
I really want to get him to shut up but he wont, so how much Vodka should I put in his daily wine?
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Answer by TheMan
None,he will just talk more.
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Cyrus says
In the first place, you're not going to be able to trick him into drinking enough vodka to put him under. If order to get the kind of effect you want, you're looking at something like an ounce of vodka per ten pounds of his weight. And if your husband has a routine wine-drinking habit that can be cut with a pint-and-a-half of liquor without him noticing, you've got bigger problems than him not shutting up.
In the second place, even if you could pull it off, you'd be taking huge legal risks. It's probably illegal in your jurisdiction to do what you've just described. But also remember that intoxication *is* a valid defense to crimes, if the defendant didn't voluntarily become intoxicated. If you spike his wine, and, for some reason (maybe he's angry because he found out about you spiking his wine) he hangs one on you, the law may not be on your side.
Jessi says
It might be difficult to sneak vodka into his wine. He'll taste it. Why not just sneak a sleeping pill into his food instead? Ambien works wonders.
owlcroft says
He's going to notice the difference in taste. Yeah, vodka's tasteless, but the wine will taste diluted to him so he's going to know you did something to it. How about working on your marriage instead of trying to make your husband unconscious? Talk to a counselor, a pastor, a friend and get some help.