Question by : How much vodka would it take to get drunk?
I am 5’6 and weigh 108lbs how much vodka (mixed with coca-cola or something similar) would it take for me to get drunk?
Don’t get the wrong idea, next year I am going to a beach/camping with my friends and by then I will be 16 – the legal drinking age – and I don’t actually want to get hammered but I want a little to drink so how much would it take for me to get drunk?
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Answer by That Guy Mike
Probably 4 or 5 shots and you’ll feel nice id say.
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♥ Sara &h says
Hi, from what I read above I know that you are a little underweight and need to take care of yourself more than thinking about getting drunk, because your health is the most important thing. ( sorry if you don't like what I'm saying but I only want to tell the truth)
Ideal weight for your height is: 115 lbs to 155 lbs ( your current BMI is 17.4 which is less than normal)
Getting drunk is not completely based on what you drink, but it depends on how much and how long you drink. The more alcoholic,the more you drink, the more you get drunk.
absolute vodka or red label is my suggestion to you. you almost get drunk easily and fast.
Rei Toei says
It depends how fast you drink. At your size, one drink every half hour will get you and keep you drunk but not entirely wasted. Three drinks an hour will get you very drunk.
Alison says
If you don't drink now then it will take very little for you to feel the effects. The problem is "getting hammered" sneaks up on you so you better plan on having only one drink and don't let anyone talk you into more. Absolutely no more than about a quarter cup (at the very most) of vodka (approx two shots.) You'll be pretty buzzed and might feel kind of crummy in the morning but that's your max and less would be better.
Jordan Green says
About two