Question by kjlfadjflakjfslkfjsklf: how much were 20 rubles worth in 1570?
I’m doing a project on the massacre of Novgorod by Ivan IV and the articles consistently say people had to pay a fee of 20 rubles or they would be tortured and killed. How many rubles today approximately were 20 rubles equivalent to in value?
Answers and Views:
Answer by adamovermiller
Its kind of impossible to answer. The ruble system in Russia was changed, and there is no real way to convert them over…. sorry….
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grandmum says
The life savings most likely.
The annual tax to the monastery or the lord was about 1 to 3 rubles per year for "vyt" or village.
Dmitry says
Could buy only the priests.
The rest of the inhabitants of Novgorod hoped it was not for that.
20 rubles was a very large amount of money.
For example, soldiers received in the year 4 ruble salaries.
16 kg of wheat worth 5 kopecks (0.05 ruble)
VV says
One ruble had ~67,5 grams of silver in 1535-1610. Compare with pound for example.
Nyzo says
Most cultures say to times the value by 30% and that would lead it to the modern day value, but sorry I have no idea how to do historic measurments, good luck. (: Nyzo. lol and I'm 75% Russian too.