Question by the: How much do you think Russia would sell Sakhalin Island for?
Say the country had good relations with Russia, and offered to give $ 100,000 USD (or whatever currency they’d need) to every household.
Like $ 50 Billion? And would it need to be in gold?
I know no one knows the exact figure lol, but what would be your best guess?
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Answer by J H
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pepe le pew says
Sakhalin Island
Sakhalin Island,
located in Russia’s
Far East, is a major
oil and gas producing
area and is home to
Russia’s first
liquefied natural gas
Technically and commercially recoverable oil reserves around Sakhalin Island are estimated at
almost 5 billion barrels and natural gas reserves at approximately 34 trillion cubic feet by Wood
Mackenzie. Both Russian exploration companies and international consortia are involved in the
development of the Sakhalin Island resources. Even though all of the consortia have extensive
export plans (including to the United States) via liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and export
pipelines to the mainland, there has been little progress beyond the first two developments on the
island: Sakhalin I and Sakhalin II. There is also an oil export terminal on the