Question by 😛: How old do you have to be to purchase an AK 47 in the state of Michigan?
How old do you have to be to purchase an AK 47 in the state of Michigan? Are there any restrictions? Any websites I could go to with further information that I would need to know before making the purchase. What is the best brand? Any other information that I would need to know would be greatly appreciated.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Christian
AK-47’s are illegal in the United States because of all the crazy lunatics in America so i’m very sorry to tell you you can’t get an AK-47 in the United States.
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What do you think?
Joe S says
Ak47s are currentlyy illegal. but i would Suggest A kalashnikov (:
tammi says
You cant get a fully automatic AK47 unless you have $ 20,000, a flawless criminal record, and a lot of time to do paperwork.
If you want a semiautomatic AK47, try You can get one for about $ 370, and you can ship it to an ffl dealer,(any place that sells guns legally) and pick it up