Question by nygiantsfan: How tall was Tsar Nicholas II’s wife?
I need to know it for history and wasn’t Tsar Nicholas the shortest of his family?
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Answer by CEM-L-G
Nicholas II was 5’7″ (170 cm.) Some sources put him at even shorter, 5’6″ or even 5’5″.
Alexandra Fydorovna (née Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine) was inarguably taller. When she was younger, she was very slender, and the fashions of her time demanded corsets and “leg of mutton” sleeves, as well as large hats. All this would make the diminutive Nicholas seem even shorter in comparison, which is why in pictures one (or both) of them are shown seated. In paintings, the artists could “fudge” and give Nicholas a little “help” in height.
There are many people who are greatly interested in the Romanovs and there are entire websites devoted to them, such as the Alexander Palace Time Machine.
A little piece of advice: be VERY polite – please, thank you, etc. You are, after all, asking people to HELP YOU.
Answer by Apogee
Search the Ekaterinberg forensic results. Experts agree that they were among the skeletons found and all remains were measured.
Answer by Mesperanto
Redefine “need to know “? I’m sure you mean “like to know”. There is no fundamental historical importance in how tall she was or even if he was the smallest man in the whole world ever.
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CEM-L-G says
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Patty Smith says
Hi LOVE your answer. So lively! I can tell just by your short writings here that you would be a very fun and wonderful person to know.