Question by freedom: Is there any way to get out from Russia without entering in army?
I have a friend from Russia I met him in chat room too much deppressed. He cannot go outside their house and roam around. He cannot go out their country because their government dont give him a passport unless he finished his schooling as soldier. All male Russian if they reach the age of 21, it is mandatory to surrender and it is must to enroll and schooling to become a soldier. But he is hiding because he is afraid because most of his freinds already crippled because of the cruelty of the officer. He wants to surrender now but the problem he will not take him in school but they will take him jail because he did not surrender when he was 21 years old.The worst thing is that he does not have also parents today they died since he was at young age so its really hard for him. Nobody to take care also of his old Grandmother. Are there any way to be exempted? Please help.
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Answer by Rodger G
If your friend is Jewish, I recommend they seek to escape to Israel. If your friend is not Jewish, they might try to contact the UN concerning political refugee status. They might also try to contact foreign embassies, although they should be careful as to how they do so, because my understanding is that these places are well watched by the government there. Telephones, etc. Or your friend might try to “walk out” and ask for political asylum in the country they go to. Research first whether that country would be a good choice.
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viewable m says
Theoretically, he should find someone to take care of his grandmother temporarily, illegally leave the country, marry a girl from the other country, ask for help/political asylum in new country then send for the Gran.