Question by Bravo: How to handle Russia – do you think that defense/”aggressiveness” is key?
Every one keeps saying that McCain will go in there and whoop some a$ $ while Obama will let Russia walk on the US like a doormat. Regardless of what you think either candidate would do – do you really think it’s necessary to come out in full force defense mode? What is wrong with “speaking softly but carry a big stick” ??
Answers and Views:
Answer by bittermeds
I don’t find Russia to be pushing our borders at all- I merely think that Putin sees Bush for what he is and wouldn’t mind rubbing his nose in it- as is well deserved.
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
my2cents says
How could anyone think having a power to balance the US would be safer… especially if that power is Russia? Do people like to forget how the world was always on the brink of annihilation with Russia as a superpower? How brainwashed do you have to be to think that the "free world" looks to Russia?? that's scary…
Penfold fairy bear- Could ask the same of the Russian government (referring to practice what you preach), but I won't, because that is just how politics works, to have a very selective memory. The only thing a strong Russia would benefit is Russia, that may be good for the Russians, but not for the US, nor the rest of the world.
If discussed without moral arguments, you could say that Russia is acting against US interests for its own, and the US is protecting their own interests. That is what it comes down to.
Stephen Fry says
I'm in favour of Gordon Brown's answer. Keep our fingers crossed until we build a 10,000 mile gas pipeline around Russia. Although Tony Benn asks a good question " How many people in how many countries
are being repressed or worse. And how any of them have we taken action for that do not have natural resources that we need.
toto g says
Diplomacy is not the best way when dealing with the Russians. Force it is. Learn your history.
Like eggs and take heed if you know whats good for ya, Bush's dangerous talk and actions are extremely antagonistic towards Russia this is insanity and a perfect example of Bush's moronic irony and arrogant attitude.
Please don't encourage it further and stop it happening.
Penfold fairy bear says
Your question reveals the true U.S. attitude of I own the world. The Correct position for the U.S. to take on Russia is to cease interference in its affairs including arming and provoking conflicts on Russia's borders as it has done by arming and encouraging the factions that have invaded Russian Territory in Georgia. You should apply the standards you set for other countries behaviour to the behaviour of the U.S. and you will see that the U.S. is the problem not Russia. The free world now looks to Russia to counterbalance American inperialism. Most other countries in the world feel a lot safer for having a strong Russia to stop the American rampage.
Alexander says
Nobody in the Kremlin believes that a full scale nuclear war is winnable. Maybe, such idiots yet remained in Pentagone, but in Russia they all are sent on a pension as early as in 1962.
For toto g:
I am Russian and I am a historian. Learn history you, bastard.
Otherwise we so will teach you to love our Mother-Russia, that and diplomacy will not help you to glue together your bum.
screaming monk says
There are some in the Kremlin who believe that a full scale nuclear war is winnable! One must be very careful with an angry bear. There are no simple answers, I am afraid.
A long term goal should be that of developing alternative energy. If we could greatly reduce our dependence on petrochemicals, we would strengthen our defensive position greatly.
Sandeep R says
this is just a joke, the Russians are not simpletons, and if faced with aggression they will retaliate.
cannotundo says
I am afraid there is no real choice, we will react as we must even if we are spread to thin, when the blender in your kitchen arcs and starts an electrical fire it can't unplug its self, it just isn't geared that way.
There will be disastrous consequences either way.
Big C says
Russia has as much right as us to protect itself.
If our "georgia" decided the south would rise again and attacked us, we'd do whatever we had to to contain them and eliminate the threat.
I figure the best tactic for dealing with Russia… Don't elect a retard like McCain.
? says
Russia walks a fine line, and they know it. The moment one tank lands in Eastern Europe is the moment they've crossed the line.
bansisdead says
mccains a fool if he thinks he can march over to russia and kick their a** WW2 proved that fighting russians in russia is hard even for a tech advanced and professional army(nazi's), the only way to deal with the whole sorry affair is thru diplomacy too many powers have world destroying weapons including russia
Mr M says
Georgia was pushed into attacking Russia to keep the GOP in power using the same scare tactics that they did in the 04 election. Neither McCain or Obama would go in and kick ass. It would be the men and women in uniform that would do the dirty work. Just like Bush neither of the candidates will be taking up arms against anyone. I think that if we didn't meddle in other peoples business we wouldn't be in situation we are now. We need to back off Russia because we are spread too thin as it is.