Question by Little Miss Sunshine: how do you interpret this poem?
Thunder by Anna Akhmatova
There will be thunder then. Remember me.
Say ‘ She asked for storms.’ The entire
world will turn the colour of crimson stone,
and your heart, as then, will turn to fire.
That day, in Moscow, a true prophecy,
when for the last time I say goodbye,
soaring to the heavens that I longed to see,
leaving my shadow here in the sky
what does this mean to you? i’m interpreting this poem for school but i need some help. i always read the first stanza and kind of take it as she wants to be remembered as someone who lived passionately, who wanted love and hate and sadness in her life because it made her feel alive, like she never wanted to live passively. but then when i get to the second stanza i get confused. obviously it’s about the war, but i don’t understand how the two fit together. any help is much appreciated!
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Answer by Little Punk Angel
I believe you are correct about the first stanza. I believe the second stanza is a detailed account of the first stanza, the aftermath. I believe in the second stanza that she is talking to a lover that blew her off (a guess) and she killed herself “soaring to the heavens i longed to see”. She is clearly leaving all her worries behind for a new life, a new life where she is finally free.
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