Question by trade my old shoes for new feet: How is it best to learn how to read Russian?
I can speak it, my parents can read/write and speak it. I would like to learn how to read in Russian, but do not know how to approach doing so. Where do I start?
Answers and Views:
Answer by kelli-maree 🙂
maybe go onto wikipedia and get the russian alphabet
then learn how to say each of the letters
then go on to reading each word and sounding it out
i hope that makes sense 🙂
What do you think? Answer below!
Ramiro says
Learn and start the Alphabet, then write down names of people you know in Russian so that you can practice what words make what sound. Then, move on to children's books!
and Slowly progress to Picture Chapter books, then chapter books, then novels, then Crime and Punishment in it's original text, if you get that far. 🙂
why sideways?<3 says
just start with the alphabet.
like you did in preschool.
And so on.
Then move on to childrens books. Like Snigoorichka.
I can hardly speak it. I can write a bit and I can read it very slowly. I can understand it relatively well.