Question by milashka: How to make Russian Potato pancakes when they keep falling apart?
I’m trying to make a Russian potato pancakes. When I go to fry them they keep either falling apart [and I have already put them in the fridge to make them solid] burning or not cooking all the way through.. I have this problem with syrniki too. Also the bread crumbs fall off and wont stick! HELP!
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Answer by Rli R
It helps to parboil your potatoes first, cool them in the fridge, and then shred them. That way they won’t burn before they are finished. Also, using an egg will help hold them together AND hold the bread crumbs onto whatever you are making.
If you want to give a Swedish flair to your Russian Potato pancakes, add a little shredded apple!!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Natalya says
You must use some wrong recipe. Or else you wouldn't have any problems.
If your pancakes keep falling apart, it can be:
1. too little flour.
2. No eggs added.
3. Too much liquid (from potatoes) left.
I never put potatoes in the fridge and it always comes out perfectly.
Sirniki can have the same problem – wrong recipe.
Can you e-mail me with your recipes so I check them and tell you how to solve the problem?
John S says
what types of flour are you using? You also need an egg to act as glue