Question by Lee: How much champagne and vodka do i use to make sparkling jello shots?
It is normally 1c boiling water and 1c vodka-do i use 1c water, 1/2c champane & 1/2c vodka?
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Answer by ranebo1000
Use google to search for “recipe jello shooter”…there are a million versions.
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David Johnston says
well if you gonna make jello shots, i would always suggest to people to check out the EZ-JELLO SHOTS…they got the EZ-SQUEEZE CUPS< THE EZ INJECT SYRINGES and the MIXESm like 6 different flavors…plenty of information on jello shots too!!! check it out online
they have the recipies posted and lots of pictures of the ez-jello shot products too!!!
Scott Dyer says
Check out my site listed below, it contains tons of great Jello Shot recipes and How To's, it really depends how strong you want them to be as to how much you put in.