Question by Roxasbhk: How do you pronounce Prokofiev?
I was wondering how you say Sergei prokofiev’s last name… Prokofiev.
It’s very strange looking and I can’t figure out for the life of me!
Answers and Views:
Answer by [email protected]
Without being there to tell you myself here is the closest approximation I can give: pro-KOF-ee-YEV.
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
Michael J. Cummings says
Prokofiev is pronounced as follows:
Pruh KOFF e ef
Dios es amor says
I know it is strange, but it is not really so difficult.
In Russian, the final V sounds like a FFF. That's why, some time ago, these names were spelt in the Latin alphabet as
yuliyasa2003 says
here it is
good luck
Fr.Al says
Pro cough FEE ev.
yahoohoo says
Two other acceptable ways are
bryan_q says
pronounce it the way it's spelt.