Question by JamieG: How will I be able to prove that Svidrigailov (from Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky) is similar to Satan?
What Bible passages/stories would help me prove this?
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Answer by Crystal
“Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5.8)
“‘To think that I could for one instant have looked for help from that coarse brute, that depraved sensualist and black-guard!’ he cried” (449) This quotation is Raskolnikov thinking about Svidrigaïlov. When he describes Svidrigaïlov, Raskolnikov describes him as a crude, brutal or violent person, like an animal, a morally corrupt human with sexual desires, a villain, and a scoundrel. These traits all describe the opposite of a good person. They describe someone evil. “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5.8). Raskolnikov describes Svidrigaïlov like an animal, and in the Bible, Satan, the ultimate devil or sinful being, is also described as an animal looking to destroy. The Bible also describes good and evil like light and darkness. “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed” (John 3.20). In Crime and Punishment there are many instances where Dostoevsky depicts Svidrigaïlov with dark language or Dostoevsky has him around darkness. “The room was dark” (467). “When suddenly in a dark corner between an old cupboard and the door he caught sight of a strange object” (469). These two quotations are about Svidrigaïlov. The first one illustrated his room when he woke from one of his dreams while he was at the hotel. The second quotation was taken from a dream Svidrigaïlov had while he was at the hotel. The hotel in both of these quotations was the hotel he stayed at right before he ended his life. Therefore, if Svidrigaïlov is portrayed in darkness, and darkness symbolizes evil, then Svidrigaïlov is evil.”
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