Question by Rasta: How is a communist economy (like Russia under Stalin) different than a capitalist economy?
– Describe how the Communist state developed under Lenin.
– Summarize the effects of Stalin’s five-year plans.
– Explain why Stalin launched the Great Purge.
– Assess how Soviet foreign policy affected relationships with the western powers.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Bored Gremlin
Under Stalin, kids who cheated on homework were sent to labor camps.
Answer by Blonde A
communism and “Russia under Stalin” are two different things
communist state never developed (under Lenin or after)
so your questions can’t be answered
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DL says
Under communism or dictators or fascists, the government owns and controls everything including the lives of the subjects. Thus, the people exist for the government.
In private ownership aka capitalism, people own stuff. The people control the government. Thus the government exists for the people.
Communism actually only developed on paper. It did not actually develop in practice.
The central plans did not produce adequate consumer goods for the people. The reason is simple. You work to get more but you get the same as the person who works less. Everybody get the same trophy for participating regardless of the results.
Dictators always purge their competition. They do not have confidence that their ideas will appeal to the people so they prevent ideas that might appeal to the people.
Soviets worked to take over the world through indirect activities.
– They can not compete militarily.
—– They can not compete economically.
——— They attack from within.
They take over leadership positions in industries and political parties. They are in both USA political parties, in the news media, entertainment and education. They use emotion to pass government control over small things such as smoking, seat belts, motor cycle helmets and so on. They gradually expand to bigger and bigger things. The Reagan Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act was feel good socialistic/communistic legislation that forced free health care which drove the price up for the people who pay. That is used as justification for the complete socialistic/communistic takeover of health care by the government.