Question by Мала Принцеза: How was the Russian Orthodox church involved in the Russian Revolution?
I was reading animal farm and i got confused because Moses the raven was supposed to represent the Orthodox Church and I never really understood what he was supposed to be doing and what had happened during the real Russian Revolution. Can someone please help me a bit?
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Answer by isnackonbabies
Wish I could help, as this sounds like a real question. Check over in one of the literature forums – you might get better results.
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Diogenes says
The "clergy," bishops & priests were considered to be a separate class not like the "serfs" or common people. They enjoyed the protection and benefits from the "State" and upper clerics as part of the Aristocracy. The Church in Russia remained "neutral" and yet, after the Revolution, the Bolshevicks did everything to destroy all the churches while murdering millions of priests & bishops. The Church was considered part of the established Russian govt. The Bolshevicks destroyed the churches and stole all the gold, silver, monies and land of all the churches.
Rosa Mystica says
If you're interested, this is a popular forum for Orthodox Christians, you may find more answers here…
blue_about_u says
I am quite sure that it opposed it. Even after the revolution the orthodox church's in eastern Europe were never in favor of communism.
brainstorm says
It opposed it
Captain Hammer says
I don't remember many details of Animal Farm, which I read a really long time ago, but the church was very strong in its support of the monarchy. I'm not sure what they did under the provisional government, but they strongly opposed the Bolsheviks and supported the White's in the civil war.