Question by Caveman: How was the Soviet Union able to emerge as a vibrant superpower after WWII?
The Germans destroyed much of the Soviet Union’s industry during Barbarossa, how did they emerge from that kind of a blow to be so healthy and strong?
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Answer by linlyons
keep in mind, if it were not for the soviet union, Germany would have turned it’s full attention to Great Britain, and likely have prevailed.
then the world would have been drastically different.
it was in the allies interest that Russia have a good industrial base, and they helped.
in addition, keep in mind that Russia extends half way around the world.
much of the industry was moved east, out of the range of Germany.
add to that, Russia captured many of the German scientists, etc, and brought them back to Russia.
during the war, Russia built 1,300 t-34 tanks a month.
for many months.
while the war was going on.
in fact, to a great extent, it was this Russian production, not only of tanks, but of planes, and other military hardware, that drove Germany out of Russia.
with a start like that, how could they not emerge with a strong economy.
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btt says
The Germans did not destroy much of the Soviet Unions industry during Operation Barbarossa. The Soviets will able to move the majority of it to the Ural Mountains and beyond. The western allies [US and UK] sent millions of tons of equipment, fuel, and raw materials to the Soviets during the war [take for example convoy PQ-17, worth $ 700 million. 300 aircraft, 600 tanks, 4,000 trucks and trailers, and a general cargo that exceeded 150,000 tons. More than enough to completely equip an army of 50,000.and that was only one of the convoys, not to mention the tons of material going through Persia or via the Pacific]. Also after the war the Soviets took as war reparations, millions of dollars worth of equipment and industry from not only Germany but Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, and Romania.