Question by EK1030: How was the Soviet Union government called before the end of the cold war?
What form of government had the old Soviet Union?
Was it Oligarchy – Autocracy or what?
Thank you.
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Answer by John
it was autocracy, i learned it in history class not to long ago. or it wqas a dictatorship
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Mickey Finn says
The USSR was a Communist tyranny, which supposedly was classless, but it actually had the members of the Party, and especially the commissars, and cadres, and high gov’t officials–particularly of the Supreme Soviet–as the new elites, after the Czar was overthrown. Mostly, it was gov’t by bureaucracy, and by the Party. I would say an Oligarchy, if you need a single term. There is a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about the Soviet Union. And, it amazes me that some American communists still defend the communist form of government. Are they nuts?
Particularly under Stalin, there was as much tyranny as in Nazi Germany.
stormgale says
a communist dictatorship where the supreme soviet had absolute power.
kohl69varton says
Theoretically it was a parliamentary system but there was also a body dubbed The Supreme Soviet which many thought to be made up of high ranking K.G.B. sort of a junta of military types.