Question by Ghost-Eyes: How was Leon Trotsky involved in the october revolution of 1917?
How was Leon Trotsky involved in the october revolution of 1917?
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Answer by Unclejoe1917
Leon Trotsky was a coffee shop pseudo-intellectual that grossly underestimated Stalin. This eventually netted him an icepick in the neck in Mexico. If his arrogance hadn’t gotten in the way, he may have become leader of the Soviet Union.
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kaps says
The Russian revolution was financed by Jacob Schiff, a 33rd degree mason, chairman of the banking house Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and a minion of the Rothschilds, who took care of the contacts between the "revolutionary movement in Russia" and B'nai B'rith. (Gerald B. Winrod, "Adam Weishaupt – A Human Devil", p. 47.) On March 27, 1917, Trotsky a prominent freemason led 300 well-trained Jewish Communists aboard the Norwegian steamer "Kristianiafjord" for a journey to Sweden, and then via railroad, went through Sweden and Finland to St. Petersburg in Russia. Trotsky's group included revolutionaries, thugs, PR men, etc. Their purpose was to finish the Russian revolution and establish a Marxist government under the leadership of Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky. Schiff gave this group $ 20 million in gold. Lenin, joined by Trotsky and 300 Jews from New York, depose Kerensky. On April 22, 1918 Czar Nicholas II and the Royal Family leave Tobolsk for Moscow. On April 30, 1918, the Bolsheviks took the Romanovs off the train in Ekaterinburg. From May 1 through July 17th, the Romanovs lived in the Ipatiev house, Ekaterinburg. The group knew that White Russian army was trying to rescue the Romanovs from the Red Army, and had to act fast. Once the peasants realized they were swindled, they would re-install the Romanovs.
IPATIEV HOUSE, EKATERINBURG, URAL MOUNTAINS, RUSSIA, Night of July 16/17 1918, the last Emperor of Russian Royal family was awakened around 2:00 am, told to dress, and led down into a half-basement room at the back of the Ipatiev house; Present with Tsar Nicholas II, was his wife Alexandra, their 14 year son Tsarevich Alexis, four daughters Anastasia, Tatiana, Olga, and Maria, the Tsar's personal physician Eugene Botkin, his wife's maid Anna Demidova, family's chef, Ivan Kharitonov, and footman, Alexei Trupp. A firing squad consisting Yurovsky, Medvedev, Nikulin, Yermakov, Vaganov, all Jewish Cheka assassins had been assembled and were waiting in an adjoining room, When the empress and the heir were seated, the executioners filed into the room. Yurovsky announced to them that they had been condemned to death by the Ural Soviet of Workers' Deputies. The executioners then drew revolvers and the shooting began. Nicholas was the first to die; Yurovsky shot him multiple times in the head and chest. Rest were cut down in a hail of gunfire in a half-cellar room of the house, After the shooting ended, Yurovsky and two guards stayed and undressed the girls, so as to check for hidden jewels. Jewels hidden in their corsets had deflected bullets, and they were still alive. Yurovsky let the guards take 'Liberties' with the girls. The girls were later stabbed with bayonets and then shot at close range in the head.
Writing on the Wall: The Heine Quotation;- Lines adapted from the Jewish poet Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) were found written on the wall, in the basement of the Ipatiev House, where the Romanovs were shot and bayoneted. It reads: "Belsatzar ward in selbiger Nacht/Von seinen Knechten umgebracht," "Belsatzar was, on the same night, killed by his slaves."
Belshazzar — the Gentile king of Babylon who, in the Old Testament story, saw "the writing on the wall" foretelling his destruction (Daniel 5) – was killed as punishment for his offenses against Israel's God. The Heine inscription described the racial/ethnic character of the murders: A Gentile king had just been killed as an act of Jewish retribution.
Lenin & Yakov Sverdlov, (Yankel-Aaron Solomon) who co-signed execution order were Freemasons. Lenin was a freemason of the 31st degree (Grand Inspecteur Inquisiteur Commandeur) and a member of the lodge Art et Travail in Switzerland and France. (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry", Moscow, 2000, part II, p. 417). When Lenin visited the headquarters of Grand Orient on rue Cadet in Paris, he signed the visitors' book. (Viktor Kuznetsov, "The Secret of the October Coup", St. Petersburg, 2001, p. 42.) Lenin took part in the International Masonic Conference in Copenhagen in 1910. ("The Road to Socialism", Munich, 1930, p. 9.) The socialisation of Europe was on the agenda.
In the Communist seizure of power in Russia, the Freemasons played most critical role. Most of the leading Communists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Freemasons. Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) headed the Red Army and, for a time, was chief of Soviet foreign affairs.
Spellbound says
Trotsky was the chairman of the the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd Soviet. It was this organisation that, under Lenin's direction, that staged the takeover of the state known as the October Revolution.
As the Revolution descended into Civil War, Trotsky was given the task of organising the Bolshevik Red Army to fight the anti-Bolshevik forces, the Whites and other groups hostile to the Bolshevik takeover – including the UK, USA, France and Japanese who took over ports around the country trying to force Russia back into WWI – and later to try to depose the new regime.
After the Civil War he was considered one of the front runners for the role of leading the country after the death of Lenin – but he fell foul of the master manipulator (who hated his popularity, his organisational skills and was wary that the army may be loyal to him – Stalin). Stalin had him exiled from the Soviet Union in 1929.
Trotsky wrote a number of books, articles and pamphlets decrying what had happened to the revolution and proposed alternative policies for the country – leading to the branch of communism known as Trotskyism. Stalin took action against him, and, in 1940, in Mexico, he was stabbed to death.
For an in depth examination of his life, works and ideas see:
Valentine says
Trotsky was the mastermind behind it, as well as a great public speaker. So, let us recap. Lenin, the grand high llama of the Communist/bolshevik party of Russia, is exiled and is living in Switzerland. In Russia we have Stalin, a writer and bank robber who gave the money to the party, and Trotsky, the genius.
So Lenin, with the help of the Germans, arrives in Petrograd one day. He meets with Trotsky, who speaks to the party and convinces them that there is a German Plot to infiltrate the current govt (called the Provisional Government – Tsar Nicholas II had abdicated and was living happily in a palace with family) and to stop it, the party had to attack and take over all govt. buildings and arrest all govt. officials who were in cahoots with the Germans. You must remember, that at the time each political party had its own military component, not to mention the Communist party, with headquarters called Petrograd Soviet, had grown so strong over the years that when they gave orders, it was widely accepted as law. Essentially, before the revolution of 1917, there were 2 govts. in Russia – the Petrograd Soviet and the Provisional Govt.
Once the bolsheviks take over all govt. buildings, there is civil war, between the 'reds' (communists) and the 'whites' (everybody else). Trotsky opens his mouth and gives another speech, in which he convinces the party to make a War directory (a war dept. for the reds) and that he, Trotsky, should be its head. They agree and Trotsky carries out ruthless measures (taking food from peasants to feed red army, etc.) and the reds win. Then Trotsky, with the power bestowed in him, declares Lenin as new head of govt. (here i think Trotsky missed his chance. He should have declared himself head, considering he did all the effort. but that is just my opinion).
He lives in relative happiness while Lenin lives. Then Lenin dies and there is power struggle between Stalin and Trotsky. Stalin wins and exiles Trotsky to Mexico because he fears his power and maybe a comeback. Later, Stalin has Trotsky assassinated.