Question by nk: How were Gorbachev’s reforms in the Soviet Union different from Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in China?
Describe some of their reforms and then evaluate their results.
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gorbachev wanted to be like the west and open up busniess xioping was also, but wanted to seperate business on an island with different rules and make the rest very strongly communist with industries, factories etc
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Spellbound says
The key difference was that Gorbachev tried to democratise socialism, and the Chinese maintained the repressive party / state system, whilst democratising the economy.
Gorbachev's reforms soon produced an unexpected feature, the party / state elite, came to believe that their interests were better served by advancing capitalist ideas, rather than maintaining the socialist economic system.
In China, the party / state elite were, and are, rewarded for maintaining socialism, with better pay, access to better schools and the ability to pass on their gains to their children.
Gorbachev and His Reforms – Richard Sakwa
The Revolution from Above by David M Kotz and Fred Weir