Question by april23: How were Lenin’s policies designed to appeal to the soldiers; the workers; the peasants?
Explain how Lenin’s policies were designed to appeal to (i) the soldiers; (ii) the workers; (iii) the peasants.
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Answer by Spellbound *JPA RIP flackie
His policies can be distilled down to the slogan that the Bolsheviks used – “Bread, Land and Peace”. The Soldiers were mostly conscripted peasants, they were sick of the war and wanted to get back to their homes and farms – so “Peace” appealed to them. The workers in the cities, especially the big cities of Petrograd and Moscow were hungry – many of the peasants were conscripted into the army, so there weren’t enough people to bring in the harvest – so “Bread” appealed to them. The remaining peasants worked the land, but it belonged to the (often absent) landlords, many millions were still serfs – so they had to work on their lord’s land for a certain amount of time for free – so “Land” appealed to them.
The slogan really sums up the grievances gainst the Provisional Government during the late summer and early Autumn of 1917.
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