Question by Daviiiiiiiiiiiiiii: How were the goals of Kerensky and Lenin for the future of Russia different?
How were the goals of Kerensky and Lenin for the future of Russia different?
a. Economically
b. Socially
c. Politically
please i just need a little help i dont understand it.
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Answer by Spellbound
Kerensky, despite coming from the Socialist Revolutionary Party was a moderate socialist.
He believed that Russia should transform gradually into a socialist republic, not to progress rapidly – as Lenin thought.
Economically, Kerensky believed in a mixed economy, with free peasants, who owned the land, and most businesses owned by individuals or by shareholders.
Lenin was a Marxist, he believed that ALL the means of production should be owned by the workers, and, as the Bolsheviks represented the workers, then, if they got into power, then the state should own all businesses.
Socially Kerensky was a Russian nationalists, who favoured Russians over the other peoples of the Empire. Lenin was against what he called “Great Russian Chauvinism” – i.e. Russians having preferred status. He attempted to include all the various peoples of the Empire in his new system.
Politically, Kerensky was a republican who believed in a constitutional Russia. He wanted Russia to be run by the Provisional Government until after WWI, when elections were to be called for a Constituent Assembly which would decide on the future of Russia politically.
Lenin was also a republican, and wanted a constitutional government. But Lenin based his idea of governance on the soviets (these were councils that were spontaneously springing up, running much of Russia). Local soviets would report to regional soviets, who would send deputies to republican soviets and they would send deputies to the Supreme Soviet.
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