Question by George D: If a serious nuclear war broke out with Russia, what would happen to America and the rest of the planet?
A major question. Russia are a bit like our rivals, so obviously there is a chance there will be a nuclear war. Would the rest of the world join in? Leave us alone?
It won’t isn’t an answer. This is totally hypothetical.
Answers and Views:
Answer by tylertxanreborn
the chinese would level the russians–which is why they will play nice. think not?
1. Chinese don’t like the russians one little bit
2. With the amount of us debt the chinese hold–to let the russians do something would adversely affect them.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Meggie says
No if they nuked us and we nuked them back EVERYONE would die.The world would blow up.If it was only one nuke each then there could be a chance of survival but it would most likely turn into more and everyone would die.China would aid Russia and the US would be screwed.The chances of it happening are low because nobody could win.It would be a nuclear holocaust.
Mega Matty says
Although it's fictional, play Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker on the PSP, and you'll know why nuclear war will *NEVER* break out, and there's not a chance. Plus its not the Cold War anymore.
Celsus says
The "Nuclear Club" developed a system of target selection during the Cold War to help minimize damage done by Nuclear weapons in the event of a launch. The theory was:
If nation A destroys a ship yard capable of handling 300 million tonnes a day then Nation B can destroy a ship yard of equal importance.
A sound theory. The issue is:
A. Civilian casualties are also considered, and depending on the proximity of other instillation there would be a requirement for nation A to launch back at nation B to level the playing field. Thus creating more damage within nation B forcing a launch back. and so on and so on.
B. Based on the above theory and the expected launch pattern of each nation the end result is a full scale launch by both nations.
With that knowledge in the hands of all major nuclear powers the most likely event would be a "rogue" nation developing, buying, or stealing nuclear weapons and attacking their perceived enemy (the US.)
There you go.
WAG says
If nuclear war broke out between u.s and Russia, you are talking not just a war between those country's, NATO would be forced to respond with a full scale nuclear retaliatory strike on Russia , then you have the east bloc to deal with, on Russia's side, some of east bloc has good reasons with Russia still, North Kora would likely get involved on the side of Russia, and then Iran would likely get involved on side of Russia which would prompt Israel and India and Pakistan to get in on the Nuclear exchange , you are looking at a full scale Nuclear war, that would have little to no end, and country's around the world would be caught in the middle, hope you don't live in the initial blast or fallout zones .
Ello Guvna says
Nuclear war would devastate the planet.
Love.Canada says
Won't happen