Question by The Notorious White Moth: If Her Grace the Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov died with the rest of her family, who was Anna Anderson?
More importantly, how did she look enough like Anya to fool her closest friends, and know things only Anya could have known?
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Answer by blackjack432001
ah, anna anderson/andersen was a pretender, or at least that is what is now reported. as per the study made after anna’s dna didn’t match with the romanov’s. back in the 1920s and 30s, the world was a different place. take into consideration: no cell phone, computers, instant info, tv and in many cases, no radio (or at it’s earliest). why, i remember getting on a plane, going to england and france with a drivers’ license and my word, only. my drivers’ license had no photo then. it was a more info starved place and because info took forever, people ‘trusted’ what you told them to be true. the romanov family went missing, bodies and all, until late 80s, early 90s. there were rumors that nicholi, son, and anatasia (daughter) survived. when anna appeared and claimed herself as the lost anna and if you look close at her early photos, she does resemble anatasia. her pretense continued well after her death in the 1980s. it did turn out that she was an imposter from poland. i guess people wanted a happy ending to a sad event and anna kinda’ filled it. as far as anna anderson knowing things about the russian court, life as anastasia, etc.? her american husband was a college professor who could’ve coached her but then, all you really had to do was read up on life and times of the romanov family, old russia – well, you get the idea! whatever her reasons, though, you got to admit. anna certainly did her homework and nearly pulled it off. quite clever. FYI and by the way. anna anderson didn’t know everything about daily court life and life within the russian palace. she wasn’t adept at russian and knew some french. the real anastasia and nicoli knew russian and french expertly. beginning with that, this is what made anna suspicious to her inquirers. but still, without that dna, the whole thing would’ve still be debated but the dna sample sealed it. good play but it fizzled at the finish line.
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Anastasia says
Sorry, but your wrong! Anna was Anastasia Romanov! And she was not a Polish factory worker! Anna had no polish facial features, but Russian fascial features! Anna's chin looks slightly different because her jaw was broken becasue of the gun that smashed her chin when she woke up from the night on July 17. Anna never once spoke polish but Russian, English and German. Anna Anderson knew so much about the Russian court, read Anastasia by Peter Kurth, and your answer is all in the pages!