Question by Linangus: If Gorbachev’s reformation had worked, would the CCCP be better than America is now, socially and economically?
Judging by the goals of perestroika, demokratizatsiya, and glasnost, it looks like the CCCP would have a more tolerant, honest, and Marxist government. Also, uskoreniye looks like it would have accelerated the Soviet Union’s economy to a point like modern-day Scandinavia, with similar social benefits. For those who fundamentally hate communism, I have two things to say: READ THE MANIFESTO, so you actually know what you are talking about, otherwise your opinions are utterly invalid, and will be ignored. Secondly, capitalism is currently destroying itself as you are reading this; Marx’s and Engel’s predictions of the collapse of the bourgeoisie are obviously seen. Also, no, America is not all that great. We butcher emerging countries, like Guatemala in 1954, Chile in 1973, and Cuba in 1952-1959. Not only that, but we supported foreign terrorists in Afghanistan in 1979.
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Answer by James P
what if scenarios are a waste of time
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Drixnot says
Comparing them by social standards is a matter of opinion and there are many factors besides economic and political system that impact this such as religion and culture.
No. capitalism is not destroying itself … in fact it is spreading. China is proof of that. They floundered for years under the communist system now that they have introduced elements of capitalism things are starting to improve for them economically.
It is important that governments recognize fundamental human nature – people are greedy. That is what motivates us all and that is why governments must use regulations for the times when a man's greed overrides ethics.
Intellectually many of the socialist, marxist and communist outlooks appear to be a utopia unfortunately it all unravels when you add humans to the realm of ideas .. in other words .. it looks good on paper but when put into practice the shortcoming become painfully obvious.
Mike says
Marx's ideas were too utopian, and Ignore an important fact: people in power will take advantage of said power.
All communism accomplishes is transfers the riches of the capitalists, to the heads of the communist regime.
Its not like the idea of communism itself is that bad, its just that history proves it never has, and probably never will work.
Hector M says
A lot of historians believe that Gorbachev's reforms led to the fall of the communist regime because they were successful.
Ultimately, although I think a socialist nation can be successful in specific circumstances, like Sweden for example, the Soviet model of socialism was simply doomed to failure.
My opinion is that the Soviet Union was a perversion of Marxism and that a workable socialist nation could never be anything like the USSR. But countries like Sweden and somewhat Canada are good models of socialist AND democratic nations that are succesful.
Also, although the US version of capitalism has amazingly successful, other capitalist models, like Argentina in the 90s, or Jamaica in the 80s have been colossal failures. Capitalism nor Socialism is the answer. Each nation and people has to find the right blend of government that works for them. I think our system works great for us, but certainly there are alternatives other nations might want to look at.
gorkbarque says
No. The problem with the USSR was that it consisted of a forced union of ethnically unrelated peoples who wanted nothing to do with a central government in Moscow. The various republics had little or nothing much in common with ethnic Russians and this caused them to demand a break with the Soviet government.
Many of Marx's theories were totally bogus and never worked in practice. By far the most bogus idea was also perhaps the most famous: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." In actuality it would have been unnecessary to work to get what you need, if that's all you could get anyway. Marx was wrong on a great many things.
Nascarky #2 QUIT DE says
Maybe there is a reason it didnt work