Question by tshep_2005: How do I look into immigrating to Russia?
I am a Canadian citizen, I’m interested in finding a website that details the requirements for immigrating to Russia. I tried a Yahoo search, but didn’t find anything relevant.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Sandra S
Why on earth would you want to. I have a Russian daughter in law and she says there is no way in the world would she go back there to live. Go for a holiday but for goodness sake dont commit yourself to such a big step.
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me2 says
Why in the world would you want to
Marilyn T says
Maybe marrying a Russian would heip. I would check out the Russian embassy for infro.I am a American who is married to a naturalized citizen originaly from Hungary.We live part-time in Hungary.He never lost his Hungarian citizenship so I can become a Hungarian citizen anytime I do the paper work. Our son has duel citizenship. Good luck.
Sammy s says
Better off in Eastern Europe.