Question by Englishman in Kentucky: Do you agree, America is now similar to Russia domestically?
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned anti-Kremlin opposition politicians against adopting radical tactics, promising he would head off any attempts to undermine the de facto one party system set up by Vladimir Putin.
“Any attempts to rock the situation with democratic slogans, to destabilise the state and split society will be stopped,” he said.
Agree or disagree?
Fears of a Clown – There are protests against this Govt all over America and it’s being censored by the MSM. (by not broadcasting is as good as censorship)
Answers and Views:
Answer by Fears of a Clown
Not only disagree, but scratching my head as to why you would make such a comparison.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
GABY says
With the administration trying to put down free speech, and working with the big news corporations to push their agenda, yes it is beginning to feel like another communist controlled country.
Train of Consequence says
If Obama gets a second term we will be. We must prevent that at all costs. Putin, Chavez, Soros, ACORN, and the Maoists already have enough influence here.
Quan says
Disagree, strongly disagree