Question by 5 star: Is D.Medvedev going to show a tough stance towards Western military expansion to Russia’s borders?
After all it was Russia who closed down all it’s bases and pulled out it’s millitary from other countires and yet the west specialy n.a.t.o are building more bases and recruiting more countires to it’s membership.
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Answer by makingcontact210
He’ll continue to enforce and back Putin policies. He’s a total hardliner, and Putin is still calling the shots anyway…even he admits that.
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Cossak says
Russia did not occupate East Europe countres,its same as the USA occupeid them now,because nation against bases but pro-american(pro-soviet) PM and President want it.Russia have no any milletery bases in East Europe,Russia have just few bases in ethnic ancient republics as Ukraine or Belorussia.
confused says
Sure ya wanna be that gentle there Squeakster? Maybe take a firm position or something?
If only he (Putin) could figure out how to counter-act the brute force the U-S is using to make countries join NATO.
By the way, I thought Russia was busy hating Great Britain. How did the U-S get to be the "flavor of the month" so quickly?
Squeaky P says
Here is the big difference between Russian bases and American bases in Eastern Europe, are you ready?
Russian bases were there because the communists occupied those countries, killed their people and stole their resources.
American bases are there because those countries invited us and wanted us to help defend them from… Russia! Which is the whole reason NATO even exists.
Its obvious which country stands up for democracy and self determination.
brianjames04 says
He is Putin's hand puppet so of course he will. Russia is on a strong nationalistic kick, they don't have the global reach they use to have but the do want to be the big power in Europe. An expanding NATO is a huge threat to that. If you're a former Communist Block country you want to counter-act Russia by being part of NATO.