Question by Hyper: Is it illegal to make a Molotov bomb and light it?
Just curious because I was planning on it but I don’t want to get in trouble with the law. Help would be much appreciated and please
no insults.
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Answer by Big Daddy
Most bombs and incendary devices are illegal so if you do it, be smart about it, do it somewhere out of the way and be able to put the fire out when it”s safe to do it.
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johnboy2266 says
Yea, because its a explosive device, the police would consider it the same as a pipe bomb or a stick of c-4, they will consider it a felony. But you'll do it anyway so here are some pointers. Do it where there is nothing but dirt around you. Some things to consider when doing it as precautions–> 1. If it catches u on fire a waterhose will NOT put you out you need a proper class of fire extuisher, burning alive is the worst way to go. 2. anything that this catches on fire will prolly spread quickly and rapidly 3. They ignite a lot faster and easier than TV makes it look, example if u light it and just a lil spills out before or while you are throwing it you are a dead man (your death will be painful and no one can help you) keep the wick at least 1 foot long and make sure its stuffed so tight nothing can spill out while in ur hand, you should be able to turn it upside down and nothing splash out. 4. don't get anything on the wick just leave it dry because if u get it wet it will explode (on you) within 3-4 seconds if not sooner. ((THESE THINGS DON'T ACT LIKE THEY DO ON TV))
Jack T says
hyper most certainly it is..Are you disalousined and home alone…Stay away from the cleaning products below the sink area and call for help
old man on the hill says
i guess you are talking about a molotov cocktail, an inexpensive and easy to make explosive device. if you just light it and hang on to it you risk hurting yourself. if you light it and throw it you risk starting a fire you may not be able to control. is it illegal – check your local laws for restrictions on explosives in your city. most likely it is illegal to make and illegal to explode