Question by matteo c: Is it legal to open carry an AK47 in california if you are 18 years old?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Marco Poloten
Yes it is. Carry is and show everybody in the public if you want… NOT.
Having an AK47 is like asking for prison time and getting your butt enlarged. Please sell it quick, or stash it at home. It’s Illegal, end of story.
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sirbobby98121 says
You are referring to the semi-auto version of course…full-auto is not legal in the state.
Outlaw says
You cannot "open carry" an assault rifle in any state, even those with "open carry" laws. Not sure about CA, but several states have banned assault rifles. Those bans are almost all in appeals courts to have the bans repealed, though.
Hammer. . .behold! says
uhmmmm. . .well. . . . Ya go ahead!