Question by Ryan W: Is it legal to own an AK-47 (semi-auto) in the state of Illnois?
I currently live in michigan and may be moving to Illinois in a year or so and im wondering if ill be able to legally bring my AK-47 with me. No I don’t live in detroit., before anyone asks.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Chuck M
If it’s not illegal, it ought to be. There is absolutely no need for anyone to own an automatic weapon. They are not a sport or hunting weapon, they are made for one reason only, to kill other humans in mass numbers.
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
Anon says
Chuck your a dumbass he said semi auto not automatic
grumpy says
if the NRA gets its way, it will not only be legal, it will be mandatory.
NekoMimi says
If you move to Chicago and bring ANY gun in the city limits then you are breaking the law… It is Bull$ hit I know but it is the law…
Outside of Chicago City Limits it should be ok.
To buy ammo you need to get your Illinois Drivers License and fill out the application for a "FOI" Card. (Firearms Owner Identification Card)
It would be best to go to a gun show to get it done… They will help you fill out the paperwork, take your picture, file the documents, then mail you your card. It is how I did it.
Oh, and even though it is illegal to have a gun in Chicago City Limits, if your firearms are outside the city limits or if you need to buy amo for something out of state exc. you STILL need a FOI Card.
They are really tough in Chicago so be careful but outside of the city, in the southern half of the state, they are pretty open about it.
Email me with any details about where you will be moving to and what kind of arms you have and I will ask my father for some more specific information on the Illinois Laws… He knows TONS more then I do since he has a LOT of cop friends to ask and had to find out if he had to store his stuff in Arizona before moving back to Illinois. (He was PISSED when he had to leave them behind.)
As long as you keep your weapons on the downlow and locked up somewhere secure you should be fine… Just make sure everything is secured against "ANYONE" 'accidentaly' finding it.
A safe, a locked trunk, a cooler in the garage… You get the idea…
The gun laws in Illinois are the ONLY reason I want to move back to Arizona…
I REALLY miss being able to go to the range once and a while… Now I only get to go once a year to 2 years… Luckily I'm a good shot and I don't tend to lose my skills even with the long time between, but it is a real stress releaver to go to the range and empty a few clips…
Talk to you soon!
gomanyes562 says
I believe it's legal, but it might be illegal in some cities like Chicago. If you're moving to a rural area, don't worry. If you're moving to a big city, better check local ordinances.
Carrying it in public in Illinois is illegal.
whip says
should be.check local laws.but if obama gets elected you'll loose it. just like bill clintons illegal ban that was overturned.