Question by TurnerKnockter: Is it okay to eat caviar when on a diet?
Hi guys so i’m on a diet and i want to eat some black caviar, without butter or bread, just caviar. It’s a good food for a diet right? It’s proteins?
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Answer by Spencer H.
ya its just fish eggs pretty much nothing in it
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el mattador says
mmmh sounds great go for it
Anjali says
seriously your gonna worry about caviar being diet food that's the silliest thing ever
its caviar how much could you eat in one sitting maybe a couple tspn not like you're gonna eat the whole jar right just eat some if your diet hinges on a hundred calories you should stop eating all together and do us all a favor
hotsummers says
Through chemical analysis it has been revealed that caviar does contain 47 vitamins and minerals. There are 68 grams of fat in a pound (16 ounces) of caviar, consisting of 25% cholesterol and 75% lecithin. There are only 74 calories in an ounce or 1,188 calories in a pound of caviar.
I wouldn't like it on it's own, you could put some in scrambled eggs though, and I've had it on cucumber slices with smoked salmon.