Question by ILeftMyHeartInUkraine: Is it okay for a guy to read Anna Karenina?
My entire family has read the novel “Anna Karenina”
and they have all given it great reviews.
I am interested in reading it.
Should I?
What is it about?
Answers and Views:
Answer by leandra
read it dear, i havent but its good to read classics once in a while
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The Grand Inquisitor says
Russia around the time of the february revolution is what I remember hearing, but I could be wrong.
I read War and Peace, and I plan on reading Anna Karenina. War and Peace was terrific, so I don't expect anything less than that out of Anna Karenina which has been called by some the greatest novel ever written. Try it, I'm a guy, and I'm going to.
amazing smiley girl says
totaly read it!!!!! so i won't tell you what it is about because your gunna read it
EJ says
Though the title is the name of a female character there are many interesting male characters in the novel. Much of the novel is written from a male point of view. If you're interested, read it! Don't worry about whether it's 'OK'.
It's a complicated book, and I am not sure I can just tell you what it's about. Anna Karenina is a woman who leaves her family to have an affair with an army officer. The novel looks at her relationships with her husband and her lover, and compares them with the relationships of other characters. But that's not even close to all that the book is about.
I enjoyed it.
Myrmidon6000 says
Ive never heard of the novel myself, but you should read what ever you want. Dont worry what other people think about it as long as youre ok with it. Do what you want.