Question by txwriter2002: After crossing into Russia from Alaska is it possible to walk from there to Moscow?
To put more specifically: Leave Anchorage, cross the Bering Straight, then once you find your self in Russia cross Siberia all the way to Moscow.
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Answer by Sallis
Doubtful. You will be crossing so much land. It will take you ages to reach Moscow. Train might take you 5 days maybe. If you walk, you’ll probably give up after some time.
Look, I dont recommend it. Russia is incredibly huge. There is just no way to cross all of Russia by foot/car in my opinion.
I would recommend flying.
Just look at the map, do you really wanna cross thousands of miles, 5(?) time zones and walk from north america, to asia to europe.
I just dont recommend it unless you got a couple of weeks to kill (with lots and lots of supplies, A LOT of the asian parts of russia is deserted, or still stuck in the early century’s)
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Ellen says
Well it takes more than a week by train, so it make take a while. But go ahead! Just wait for summer, it will be quite cold on your way during winter and spring months.
Martín Luther says
It is possible but it will take you months, and if you go during these winter days the must probable is that you will die in the middle of the white snow desert.
I'm talking about going by feet, don't even think in some kind of transportation, there's none.
Andrey says
thats real target if you know russian and have money
Nikolay says
I was once read about a cyclist as he rode the whole of Russia (USSR) on the perimeter. It took about 2 years old, he froze his 2 fingers.
Now many people are traveling by car from the east, Russia to Moscow on the machine, it's not dangerous, but very interesting.
Also look at this links: itl be usefull.
P.S. As for me I want to travel by car from western Russian border to eastern border.
Alan B says
Its a bloody long way.
Bit like walking from the south of chile to the north of alaska and back
let the train take the strain fella and take a library full of books to read on the way
tartu2222 says
Yes. Anything is possible. But probable? No.
Cabal says
It is a possibility, our far away ancestors did it though through many generations. In that kind of land if you walk 20 kms a day you're lucky since you won't be able to carry with you all the food so you will need to trap and fish and root for food. Count two years to do that.
As a reality you can forget about it. You won't survive the +9,000 kms through wilderness, mountains without roads or anyone around, Siberian winters, continental summers, bandits (not a joke), military police, and other such fun. Just to start with you will need a visa and the permission to walk around or near very military sensitive places the Russians do not want anyone to see or hear about (no joke either).
O says
It is very difficult or impossible to drive car from Alaska to Mosow