Question by Carrey722: Is it pronounced Moscow or Mosco or what in Russia?
A typical American would pronounce Glasgow with the W but a Scottish person would pronounce it without (sounds like Glasgo). A Scottish person would also not pronounce the W in Moscow and an American would. How would a Russian pronounce it assuming they spoke English?
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Mixix says
Moskva – pronounced mas-kva, mäsk-ˈvä
Scherzkeks says
mindflux303 says
Actually a Scottish person would pronounce Glasgow in many different ways depending what part of the country due to different Scots dialects. It can be said Glesca, Glesga, Glesgie, Glescoo, amongst others.
Glasgo(w) is the standard English pronunciation. Never personally use it.
Rozmin says
In Russia it's called Moskva. Mosk-VA. In Cyrillic: Москва.
The Russian people I know refer to it with the Russian name even when they are speaking English.