Question by kelly greentwig: Do you think Medvedev is kind of a geek?
I’ve always thought he is kind of geeky in a funny way.
la raza: I’m not putting him down, he actually seems like he’s kind of fun.
don’t tease the panther and rasied right: Yeah, I know what you mean.
don’t tease the panther: You forgot that he said, “Hasta la vista baby” to Schwarzenegger.
Answers and Views:
Answer by teeena
yeah, dorky….i can see it
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Common Sense in Exil says
Geeky, but 0bama's his beeach.
White and Proud says
who the hell is fag
hironymus says
He is Putins geek. If the real boss in Russia (Putin) says jump, little Med says how high. says
Yes, he looks like his head is about 40% of his body weight. I think it is the Ted Kennedy syndrome. One of the weirdest looking persons I have ever seen.
Rasied Right says
When you got Putin backing you up you can be a geek , he will do the killing.
North of England says
A geek with his finger on the button attached to nuclear weapons.
La Raza = God says
yeah, but he is still a leader of a country, I wish I could be.
Don't Tease the says
Absolutely. It's pretty entertaining though. Despite the myriad problems with the Russian government human rights, etc. he *seems* like a good guy.
He's on twitter, he has a blog, he just visited Steve Jobs, and Twitter HQ.