Question by lauren ♥: Do you think she is one of the most beautiful women in the world?
Found this while browsing through
I saved it to my computer to make it easier.
Her name is Natalia Vodianova
What do you think?
You are completely ignorant if you think she’s ugly.
Some people’s perception on beauty…O.o
I understand its an opinon, but when its quite obvious she’s gorgeous. At least in this photograph…I’ve never seen anyone look that flawless.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Squirrel Cage
Yes she is very lovely indeed.
Read all the answers in the comments.
Give your own answer to this question!
PocketProtector says
Hell no…
She looks like she's 12 years old, and it would be like eating an unripe peach…
No thanks!
alexis:) says
yes she is
she is vey natural and very
innocent like
she is a major cutie
riverkid01 says
For her young age, she is attractive.
BOCEPHUS-U.S.N.(ret. says
Ya'll could be twins.
Pika says
omg she's has exotic face!it's look beautiful..she's just one in a million =)
candii_jojo is a gro says
Somewhat pretty, but not a world title holder.
I kinda get tired of being told that someone is or is not beautiful by the media. I have eyes, I can decide what my own opinion is. And how can someone be "most beautiful in the world"? Have you searched the entire world?
superninjaanne says
Tony M says
Yes, I think that she is.
&b says
yea she's pretty, but i've known regular people who look better than her
Xavia says
eh I've seen more beautiful girls on the street.
They look more natural
edit: How would that make them ignorant if they think she's ugly? That's their own personal opinion.
hello there :] says
She's pretty but there's prettier.
whatevartrevor says
not even close
pink says
No, she looks like anyone else I see on the streets.
LT says
she is pretty but Ive seen better
Bazooka Jane says
I look like that when I just woke up
Very beautiful girl… and i'm not bi.
Idiot Savante says
She's a Brooke Shields wannabe.
nom nom nom nom nom says
she's pretty, but i tend to think that more exotic looking women are more beautiful. nothing against her or blondes, its just preference =P
Crocodile Dex says
She has a beautiful complexion and gorgeous eyes-matey
Tater Salad says
She is beautiful, but she also looks sad.
TS_Queen says
Lovely but not one of the most beautiful woman in the world….
timbo says
yeah she's up there…
PoeticMistress says
She has amazing eyes…. striking young lady!
Jai says
refreshe123d says
Turtle says
She is pretty.
barry m says
No, You are.
Captain Crunch says
Ur avatar is more beautiful.
Taha* says
Yeah she is*