Question by : Russia – European or Asian?
While Russia is geographically in Asia, more people there seem to have the european ethnicity and look. Technically it is in the continent “Eurasia”, but if you had to pick a continent, what would you pick? By the way, are there many people in eastern Russia and if so, do they share this European look?
Answers and Views:
Answer by unseen academical
Answer by Kingc 3 Bigger And Irisher
The only Russians that can be classified as asian are siberians. The rest are european.
Answer by Live it_Love it
If you mean generally, Russia is more european but at the same time partly asian. Ive never been to Eastern Russia but the people that I know from there have more of middle eastern features than european.
Answer by bret
I don’t think there is any distinct Asian appearance. For that you’d have to assume Arabs, Indians, Japanese, etc all look the same. Asia itself is just a huge land mass with many different cultures and people; more genetic variation than Europe, where you could say Europeans are generally White, you can’t refer to Asian as such. Most Russians are in the European side, while the eastern minority in Siberia kind of have a Central Asian look like Kazakhstan.
Answer by Jamaican Dialect .
mmm Russia’s gay. In it everyone has AIDS, and they all got it from buttsex. Russia is gay.
Answer by Blonde A
historically and culturally – european, geographically – both.
russian people (ethnically) are slavs – european (even those who live in asian part), but there’s a lot of different ethnicities live in russia, some of them are asian
Answer by Some Russian Guy
Russia in my opinion belongs to europe. Even though it is in both places the people look more european than asian, or middle eastern. I am pure Russian and dont look asian/middle eastern at all. I have brown hair and blue eyes. Some russians do have the slanted eyes but most of ethnic russians have that european look. As for eastern russia I am not sure, I have only been to central and western russia. @jamaican dialect. Russia is not gay, and all russians dont have aids. I think you mixed russia up with most of africa. And trust me I have been to russia a lot and it is anything but gay, and no body I know there has aids.
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infinity 2.0 says
Ive never been to Russia, but like everywhere, people there intermixed. I read that 5% of all humans alive descended from Genghis Khan, whose territory became partly absorbed in Russia.. In my opinion this helped create the “Russian look” which is slightly different from the “European look.”
Wave2012 says
1/3 of Russia geographically is in Europe and 2/3 is in Asia.
70% of population of Russia live in European part and only 30% – in Asian.
Only 2% of population of Russia have “Asian” look. All the rest people (98%) are “white” (or Caucasians in anthropology European tradition). That is why most of population on the East look as Europeans.