Question by cameroonman24: Is the AK-47 considered a try-hard gun in black ops?
Is it cheap what do you think? Also what are the other guns you think are tryhard?
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Answer by Carter Stoddard
Yes. In black ops? I don’t know.
Here is my list from Mw2, though:
*UMP .45
*M9 (w/ mod)
*FAL (w/ mod)
*M21 EBR (w/ thermal)
*RPG – 7 x2
*Any Assault Rifle with a toob (w/ or w/out one man army)
*Barret 50 cal
*RPD (or any LMG)
*Model 1887s (akimbo)
*Any gun with a tactical knife
*Pretty much any gun other than the intervention (FMJ) for quick scoping.
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Tentacle Mayor says
No, it's a good gun. Actually, it's considered inferior to the Commando because it has more visual recoil. 'Tryhard' guns would include mainly the 74u and FAMAS, because they are overpowered. I personally like the AK47, it's a good middle-of-the-road gun with nice irons.
Solid Snake says
AK-47 is one of the more balanced weapons.
I think you spelt AK-74 wrong.