Question by Lord Zane Vorhis: Is the story of Rasputin true?
Story as I’ve been told is the Russian queen thought he was a holy healer and she called for him to cure her ill son. But he was killed by villagers because he was sleeping with everyone’s wife so they poisoned his wine, shot him in the head and cut off his testicles.
Does the story of Rasputin hold any truth or is it all myth?
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Answer by CKB
This is a true story.
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Leonard says
Two things are incorrect:
– Rasputin was killed by aristocrats who worried about his influence on the Czar, specifically Prince Youssopow.
– They cut off his penis – supposedly of phenomenal size – not his testicles.
But yes, he was famously difficult to kill. They poisoned his food and wine, shot him (in the back, not the head) and threw him in the Newa River. When the body was recovered, the lungs were full of water: after all of that, he had drowned.
Matthew Wright says
its based on a true story but im sure its been added to over the years
he was some-one who came from nowhere and became very close to the wife of the Tsar making him powerful and untouchable but he liked a drink and had the habit of upsetting other courtiers and noble men, if that was by sleeping with their wives its not clear but its true he really up-set some vary dangerous people.
he was fine as-long as he had the ear of the Empress but once she started to get bored with him his fate was sealed and his enemies killed him
pat m says
It was true but he was not killed by commoners or peasants but conspirators and they did not cut off his testicles but he drank poison drinks and ate poisoned cakes all night and they still couldn't kill right.
That was how incompetent they were so they tried to shoot him, not dead yet, beat him up with chains and then drowning. He had evidence that he hadn't even drowned yet either.…
In his last letter to the Tsarista he says that if he is killed by nobles and boyers you won't live for another two years. If by commoners you might live.
cool dude shanky says
ya its a true story
Zena E I AM THE WAY says
Yes . .He was the Mad Monk of Russia
He could stop the Flow of blood. Katherine's son had HEMOPHILIA and he would stop the Flow
True (
(/Alexei_Nikolaevich,_Tsarevich_of_Russia – CachedSimilar
As a precaution, she had rubber soles put to her shoes to avoid falling and dropping him. … heavy cloth-of-gold mantle, lined with ermine, worn by the heir to the crown. The mantle was supported on one side by Prince Alexander Sergeiovich … Alexei inherited hemophilia from his mother Alexandra, ( WIki)
I don't know that he was Sleeping with Everyone's Wife But there was a story she was Sleeping
with the Queen. as she was completely mesmorised by him
Not True Re Villagers Killed Rasputin.
Rapsputin was poinsed by Wine ( not by Villagers but by the intelligensia who Wanted him
dead re his Influence and mesmorism of the Queen.
They Did Shot him.many many time. He had the Strength of a Sampson
So they Put him is a huge burlap sack and Threw him in the River
( Russian account in Book) In Russian ) How Rasputin was Killed) Printed in USSR
The Story is Fact not Fiction.. * could be embellished a bit BUT BASICALLY TRUE)
He went Mad and Thus called The Mad Monk
Fenom500 says
Don't forget that he got back up before they attacked him again and threw him in the river. It's probable he died of hypothermia.