Question by Bethy: Is there a sizable group of Russia citizens chastising their country for its actions in the past?
Do you think that a bunch of Russians run out to the local bar and scream at people about how horrible Russia is because of their invasion of Afghanistan or the purges during the USSR days, or the white revolution or any of the other not so nice things that have happened in the past in that nation?
Do you think that happens ever?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Chewy Ivan 2
Probably not. For a long time, people in Russia who did that sort of thing were thrown into gulags or shot.
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Judicator says
No they don't, many will criticize the Bolsheviks but ironicly take pride in their history (I'm not chastising them for that). Any one that didn't doesn't like Russia has left the country. Russians are very patriotic and upset at the world. Here is an example of what most Russians feel.
"“European and American policies make it much easier for Russian government to persuade the nation to build its national pride on the Soviet heritage.
I being a democrat dislike and condemn Russia's policies of the latest decade – the propaganda, control over media, allegedly state-sponsored murders, institutionalized corruption, government interference (mostly unofficial) with business matters, frauded or cancelled ellections, prejudiced judges, persecution of opposition memebers, etc. Similarly I dislike our Soviet past and I strongly condemn revivng the Soviet-nostalgia.
But I must remind you that there was a chance for the Western world to lend us a hand and help our transformation, our transition to a democratic country. It was in the early 90es – the people were facsinated with the West, the government was seeking all possible ways for the quickest integration with the western countries, and each sign of acknowledgement from the west was regarded as a small victory.
But the West has chosen a different way, and first Russia's public opinion turned away from the West, and then respective politicians came to power, and since then they rule the country without consulting the public opinion and the people can't change anything again. It was not because Russians wanted an authoritarian rule, it was because they didn't want further attemts to please the West who didn't welcome us that caused Putin & Co to be allowed to take the power. And even now (and you can see it here on this forum) the vast majority of Russians prefer a non-democratic rule to the humiliated position we were all put into in the 90ies. Democracy and humiliation are now synonims for many Russians, and they are eager to protect all dubious actions of their government while it assures that it will never be again as in the 90ies.
The philosophy of Europe is a philosophy of vanquised nations. You have given up your national pride and all attempts to make it better for your nations; you were forced to leave your overseas colonies free and remove your troops and settlers back to Europe; even large groups of deeply rooted population like the French from Algeria had to escape like beaten dogs leaving everythibg they had posessed behind them. Your humilation wasn't limited to loosing everything you posessed outside of Europe; you were doomed to kneeling before the barbarians that have expelled you – in the form of continuous apologies to all these African countries (that would have still been in the Stone Age if not European colonists who had brought at least some signs of civiliztion to them!), in the form of huge amounts of money transferred to "developing countries" (that aren't developing, and that are unable to exist as states and feed themselves without all this Europeans charity, which they see not as charity but as something that Europeans OWE to them), in the form of migartion laws that allow millions of aliens into Europe and pay their living (while they are not only genetically, but also culturally, religiously, socially completely different from the Europeans and have no desire to change themselves and integrate, instead they try to change the hostinh countries to make their stay more pleasant, untill Europeans still have powers to feed them). You are bowed before everyone, you are afraid to talk about the simple fact that your population is dwindling and being subsituted by people who never considered themseves Europeans and who never shared your values. You are tamed to put your interests behind the interests of the mankind, which doesn't give a f**k to your interest and is only syphoning money out of you. You got used to thinking that you don't need a child as there're lots of black children in Africa and they contribute to the global population growth; but they won't help you when you grow old and they grow up. From European media it is seen that you expect "developing" countries to become something like Europe is in a short while, but this will NEVER happen – they will never match Europe's level of development, neither they will ever share your values. You are loosing Europe, and this loss will never be compensated. All this tolerance and globalization is just an instument to make you patiently wait untill it's too long and you find yourself in a world were you are at the very bottom being a minority in a society that is organized in a far more different way from what you are used to. Being in such a position you don't have forces to protect your national interests (able military or some instruments of harsh foreign policy) because you are not allowed to have national interests. You are occupied by the USA for a long time. you are deprived of any rights for national interests or independent policies, but the living standards for an individual are qute well. You are trained to respect so-called global values, which are acually American values spread across the regions conquered and dominated by the USA, and you are trained to tolerate everybody and cooperate globally (again in the regions of the US control), because the USA don't need conflicts among their colonies, and all problems outside of this American Empire are solved by the USA themselves. Now Americans are pushing Turkey into the EU because they don't care about european nations, they want you to feed this entire poor muslim nation as well while it is also a part of the American Empire and they feel in charge of distributing resources between their colonies to maintain their power in all regions they keep under their control. For you all this "distribution of power" and "spheres of influence" is far behind, but it's not because the mankind has changed, it's because you ALL are now vanquished and controlled by the US of America, and all other yet independent countries are seen as totally alien and mean powers, terrorists, axis of eveil, totalitarian bastards, and you don't even think that it's merely a good old spheres of interest conflict between your american masters and the remaining free nations of the world.
Russians don't want to accept the American rule. We don't want to be weakened, deprived of our army, deprived of all instruments of international policy, we don't want to be forced to tolerate every minority (because this will inevitably destroy our territorial integrity as it happend in Yugoslavia), we don't wan't to follow orders of international American-controlled bodies like IMF, NATO or whatever. The West doesn't allow us to cooperate without all this, instead they are breaking promisses (like expanding NATO to the East or not allowing us to WTO), sponsoring government changes in the countries that were neutral or allied to us, attempting to corner us in many issues and poking a stick into our eye everytime you can. Our choice is either putting the hands up and bowing to Washington, or conflict. You don't let us cooperate without being smashed."