Question by Bottles Charleson: Where is the proof of Rasputin healing sickness and doing holy things?
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Answer by Jackal
There isn’t any that I know of.
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Russian Life & People Digest
Marjane Satrapi says
There is but only anecdotal evidence…but even that sort of evidence becomes futile if not investigated.
Desert Wisdom says
Rasputin was not someone holy, although he did perform healings, he was given supernatural powers early in his youth (where he got them from I do not know) and showed interest in the monastic life, he then joined the cult of Flagellants who thought the only way to reach God was through sinful actions, and the only reason why the Russian Orthodox Church didn't excommunicate him was because of his close relationship to the Tsar and his wife.
P.S. What kind of proof would you like? A video? This was in the late 1800's…..
Finn says
Do not burden yourself with such dark and dreary things like "proof"
Boris (Accept No Sub says
There is none–that's why he was regarded as a fraud then and now.