Question by Hot Lesbian Auditions: Did you know that even Lenin resorted to capitalism to save the post-Revolution economy?
Lenin (the idol of progressives everywhere) was a Communist, but even he was wise enough to know that capitalist was the superior system for economic growth which was why his New Economic Policy relied on market reforms and private industry.
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Answer by Last True Paladin of Scotland
He’s not my idol. My idol is Voltaire. And I’m a Liberal. Don’t make assumptions they tend to be wrong.
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dude says
Surprising though it may be, Lenin is not the idol of progressives. They aren't pushing for all out socialism, they're pushing for something more like you see in other western countries, that have some mixture of capitalism and socialism.
I'm back in the says
Ironically communism always needs something to sell in order to keep going. The same way Mega-Corporations can't keep going with out help from the government. Both Communism and Hyper-capitalism lead to the same thing.
Desk3Bound says
You need to take a course in Marxism.
Karl Marx was a great advocate of capitalism. Karl Marx stated that it was the capitalist means of production which will provide all the material things in life in order for the proletariat to segue into the 'dictatorship of the proletariat', throw off his capitalistic chains, and step into communism!
Capitalism is necessary for the transition into communism according to Karl Marx. Every doctrinaire Marxist/Communist/Socialism recognizes capitalism as a engine of materialist production to speed up the transition into communism.
Lenin, nor Marx, recognize capitalism as a superior system but a necessary tool/engine for the material things in life necessary to impel the mindless masses into communism! What Lenin did that was not according to orthodox Marxism was to form a vanguard party, avoiding the dictatorship of the proletariat, to lead the masses directly into communism (whether they were ready or not).
Karl Marx recognized the need for capitalism to achieve communism, but he was dead set against any elite leadership – vanguard party. And that is where Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) departed from Marx.
Linda K Texan for L says
Other Countries used to aspire to be like America.
Why do some Americans aspire to be like everybody else in the socialist world?
Mind boggling.
I want to stay a free country with individual freedoms.