Question by Peprina: Leonid Brezhnev and Erich Honecker’s kiss?? Serious replies only pls?
What was the kiss between Leonid Brezhnev and East German President Erich Honecker all about? We often see the famous photo where the two leaders are kissing each other and I never understood anything. Can anyone explain the significane or the context?
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Answer by Ramha K
They never so called kissed each other with their tongues doing their roles etc.. Highly confidential, volatile and definitive though conspirotal information used to do their rounds at such times. Watch intently without weird ideas in your mind, you will see what I saw!
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SnakeHissperer says
The kiss was cultural exchange and is part of greeting. You'll see the same exchange with Gorbachev and Reagan when they met.
There are no sexual implications to this it is simply how they do things.