Question by Lauren: How can I raise money to go to Russia?
One of my history teachers wants to take my class to Russia over the summer and we’re all really eager but the only problem is the cost, which is about $ 3,500 per student. I’m already looking into jobs but I wanted some ideas on how to raise money.
Please help me =)
If we were to go, we would be planning going to Moscow and St. Petersburg. It’s a 9 day trip
Answers and Views:
Answer by ISMAEL95
funraiser make a bake sale
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Liz says
It is necessary to find people in Russia for the help to you.To find friends. In near cities of Moscow.
Madison says
part time job(get one that will pay good money, the fundraiser idea., then ask around your family if they have any old jewelry or junk(could find a baseball card if you get lucky thats worth a lot). then, if you need to, ask for loans from your family so you will pay them back but you wont feel rushed to get money. but try the first things first before the loans.BTW: if you do go have fun, it will be cool
александр says
It would be nice if that was me but I remember there was a school trying to give themselves money to go to the china for the olympics, maybe you should try and find the article about that and do that.
Mendeleyev says
As your parents to introduce you to adults so that you can tell them about your trip. Offer to send them a thank you note and make a photo album (small) for each person who donates.
arsanlupin says
You will need a lot more than one year to raise that kind of money – even with fundraisers and part-time jobs and donations.
You didn't say where in Russia – a country over 8000 kilometers long – but I will assume you are planning to visit Moscow – the most expensive city on the planet. Your teacher might want to consider another city – like St. Petersburg or even Kiev, Ukraine. The difference in accommodations will be considerable. If Kiev, is considered, the cost of the visas (US$ 131) would be eliminated.
remus says
i mailed letters to all my relatives asking them for whatever amount of money they could spare, they sent money and i kept them updated on the events.
Alexander says
Write a letter to Medvedev. He'll sponsor the whole class. Communists at times of Politburo liked to do something like that. And Medvedev is their adept.
Prince N says
Russian embassy will not be sponsoring any military secret dealers. it is not even clear who needs military secrets more Russia or the USA
but if you are a Russian speaker and have Russian connections, Russia has a programme to assist Russian speakers. They are keen to repatriate their people back to Russia. They are offering jobs, financial assistance and accommodation. They like their people back home. You would need to be fluent in Russian and have some link to Russia already to qualify for this programme. This is not for foreign nationals wanting to visit Russia as tourists.
dunno says
Go to Russian embassy and say you could sell them some US military secrets.
Shastagal says
Get family and friends to help you have car washes. You actually make a lot more money if you ask for donations instead of giving a fixed dollar amount.