Question by Jimmy: What’s that movie where a Russian girl gets kidnapped into prostitution?
I remember seeing a movie where a Russian (or somewhere in Eastern Europe) girl gets an offer to go overseas. Her parents don’t let her, but she somehow finds a way to escape. Then she goes, but was actually tricked and then kidnapped into prostitution. Her dad finds her later on in the end…Anyone know the name of the movie?
Answers and Views:
Answer by J – Bid
Its called “Taken”. good movie too…
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XX says
just finished watching it on tivo , its "Lilja 4-ever"
Walter Roberts says
No, I saw a great movie on line one time about a Russian girl abandoned by her mother who goes off to be a catalogue bride to America, she hooks up with some guy who offers to take her to start a new life in Sweden (or Denmark), at the last minute he says he can't go but that his friends there will take care of her. Stupidly she gets on the plane without him and becomes a victim of a sex slave ring . . . ultimately she escapes and commits suicide by jumping onto the freeway from a bridge. Excellent movie. Far too dark for conventional distribution in the US, much less for Lifetime. That is the one I am looking for. I sort of think the girl's name was in the title somehow. Would really like to find it.
Haylee! says
It could be Taken…
But since you said it's a Russian, I'm pretty sure its Human Trafficking.
It was on Lifetime. Great movie.