Question by Dennis: Why is the liberal media not saying Muslims did the attack in Moscow?
why are they protecting Muslims and not telling the truth that Muslims did the suicide bombing at the Moscow airport.
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Answer by Steve
Because liberals love appeasing the enemy
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American Woman says
Because it is the Liberal (libbies) Media and they have an agenda.
NOW make that a nut job with any ties real or imagined to Christians or Conservative and they are off like a Rocket before the smoke clears.
How any fair minded person can watch this and believe it is not biased is beyond me.
Dale says
Because no one has claimed responsibility and they haven't identified the bomber. They have speculated it was a Chechen militant so your question is false.
Still Quazee says
They're trying to find a political map with 'crosshairs' on it for Russian political districts so they can connect Palin and the tea party to this tragedy as well, just like AZ.
muslims are a 'sacred cow' the media is too scared to touch very often, just yet. Notice the glaring difference between the muslim shooter at Ft. Hood, pulling the same act, masses killed and wounded, and the media says 'let's not jump to conclusions on this muslim thing'. 2 hours after Gabby's shot, the same muckraking lowlifes were tagging Palin, the tea party and every conservative in the phone book as 'responsible' for the assassination attempt.
Nobody but liberals take the leftist hate machine media seriously.
Japanese proverb: Knowledge without wisdom is like a load of books on the back of an ass. If you don't 'get it', you're probably a liberal.
STEVE S says
They have issues with facts.
Libs would rather make up things than report them as they are.
Smells like New Scre says
Because no group has claimed responsibility yet, so it isn't known whether this is a Chechen Separatist group or a Muslim group.
Nuts for Liberty says
Same reason why the Conservative media denies that George Tiller's murderer Scott Roeder was a self proclaimed Christian, an utmost defender of "life" with connections to Christian Anti-Abortion organizations.
Not to mention the Conservative media didn't talk about Christian (Baptist) radio host Wiley Drake saying he was glad Tiller was dead.
There is the classic, Pro-Life, caring American Christian for you. Why didn't the Conservative media talk about that though?
You people are goddamn hypocrites.
t says
Atop giving the Liberal media more power than they think they have, they are a dying breed. Just because they aren't saying it was muslims does not mean we don't know that it was muslims!
Jace Gordon says
Because. When's the last time a killer who happened to be a Christian was called a 'Christian' first and foremost in this country?
Because the people responsible have names, and are extremists. They are using a bastardized version of a peaceful religion.
Johan Stanislaus says
They support the muslims.
Annamarie . says
Because you're busy watching Fox News.
Fox viewer says
imfoxygirl says
You're watching the "liberal media"? Somehow I doubt that.
qwert says
Liberals prefer political correctness over truth.