Question by animal-goddess: Another question on Russian food!?
Okay, so i was supposed to pick only 5 of Russia’s most popular and traditional food for this project. And this is what I have so far:
I need one more that really represents Russia. any more suggestions for # 5 on my list?
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Answer by A/leKcaHgp
Well, as a matter of fact borshch is not Russian food. It’s Ukrainian. While shchee is 100% Russian soup. Also, I’m very suprised you didn’t mention okroshka. And I really don’t understand why you have skipped kvas, one of okroshka’s components and merely delicious drink…
By the way, pirozhki are not exclusively Russian food.
UPD:olivye is very popular in Russia and the CIS, but it’s French.
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Masha says
Well, borsch is Ukrainian, not Russian. Pirozhki are somewhat Russian, but common outside of Russia also. Vodka is an alcoholic beverage that Russia just happens to be popular for. Keep pelemeni in your list, but the others just aren't best to put…. Some other foods are kvas, schee, okroshka, and olivye.