Question by NeRDy.4.liFe: Motifs in Fathers and Sons? What are some extreme motifs in the novel, Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev. (ex of an extreme motif: hope and despair) Answers and Views: Answer by AndreyAcceptance and Denial Life and … [Read more...] about What are the motifs in Fathers and Sons?
What is nikolai rimsky-korsakov family background?
Question by : nikolai rimsky-korsakov family background? he is a composer from the classical period and his family is aristocratic Answers and Views: Answer by Joyce BThere is a lot of information if you just search. Read all … [Read more...] about What is nikolai rimsky-korsakov family background?
What Type Of Hat Did Vladimir Lenin Wore?
Question by : What Type Of Hat Did Vladimir Lenin Wore? I hope no one takes offense or finds this question too stupid. But I think It's a pretty cool looking hat. I just want to know what type of hat that was and if it is possible to get one (or … [Read more...] about What Type Of Hat Did Vladimir Lenin Wore?
Why Prokofiev’s Piano Sonata #7 is called ‘Stalingrad’ and ‘war sonata’?
Question by fierydog: Prokofiev Piano Sonata #7 Where do the nicknames 'Stalingrad' and 'war sonatas' come from? Answers and Views: Answer by NickI believe that the Sonatas 6, 7, and 8 were written during WWII, or at least in the begining of the … [Read more...] about Why Prokofiev’s Piano Sonata #7 is called ‘Stalingrad’ and ‘war sonata’?
When did Nixon and Brezhnev sign a treaty resulting from SALT I negotiations?
Question by : When President Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev signed a treaty resulting from SALT I negotiations in? A. drop all trade barriers between the two nations B. unite against any military threat from the People's Republic of China … [Read more...] about When did Nixon and Brezhnev sign a treaty resulting from SALT I negotiations?
How did the Killing of the Romanov family affect the Russian Revolution?
Question by : How did the Death of the Romanov family affect the Russian Revolution? How important is the death of the Romanov family? Answers and Views: Answer by R gQuite important. Their assassination assured that the family would not come back … [Read more...] about How did the Killing of the Romanov family affect the Russian Revolution?
What is Nikita Mikhalkov’s manifest “Law and Truth”?
Question by : Nikita Mikhalkov's manifest "Law and Truth"? Please, can anyone tell me where I can find Nikita Mikhalkov's manifest translated into English? The manifest titled "Law and Truth - Manifest of Enlightened Conservatism" was published last … [Read more...] about What is Nikita Mikhalkov’s manifest “Law and Truth”?